Gateshead Talmudical College

Gateshead Talmudical College (Hebrew: ישיבת בית יוסף גייטסהעד‎), popularly known as Gateshead Yeshiva, is located in the town of Gateshead in England. It is the largest yeshiva in Europe and considered to be one of the most prestigious advanced yeshivas in the Orthodox world. The student body currently (2011) numbers 350. Although students are mainly British, there are European, American and Israeli pupils, as well as some from South Africa, South America and Australia.

The yeshiva was founded in Gateshead in 1929 by Reb Dovid Dryan, with the Chofetz Chaim serving as an active patron and appointing the original heads of the yeshiva. The first rosh yeshiva and menahel (principal) were respectively Rabbi Nachman Landinski and Rabbi Eliezer Kahan, both alumni of the famed Novardok yeshiva. At its conception, Gateshead Yeshiva was seen as a branch of Novardok, officially sharing its doctrines, ideals and methodology and named "Yeshivas Beis Yosef" in common with other branches of Novardok.


Notable faculty



Rosh yeshivas:



Notable alumni

Over its 82-year history, Gateshead Yeshiva has produced thousands of alumni, among them prominent rabbis, businessmen and professionals.

Buildings and Structure

The original building of the yeshiva was at 179 Bewick Road. As the yeshiva expanded it acquired neighbouring properties in Rectory Road and 177 Bewick Road. In 1961 a new building was erected at 88 Windermere Street to house a new beth hamedresh (the hall used for study and prayer), with the dining room on the floor below and the kitchens in the basement. The old beth hamedrash building at 179 Bewick Road and neighbouring houses in Rectory Road were demolished to make way for a new two-storey dormitory block, Clore House, which was opened in 1963, forming the beginnings of the yeshiva campus. A later three-storey building further up Bewick Road joined the first dormitory block, and attached the yeshiva dormitories with the back of the study hall via a bridge. Later on,in 1992, a new building, Sebba House was built, which consisted of a state-of-the-art dormitory building for about 70 students. Later, in 1997 a new building, Tiferes Yonasan, was erected, which attached the study hall further down Windermere Street to the dormitories and extended the main building, including the study hall and the dining room. The last extension on the right hand side added more lecture halls. In addition these extensions created a courtyard leading on from the back alley, from Rydal Street.


The yeshiva was originally established as a branch of the Novardok network of yeshivas then existing in Eastern Europe.


"Gateshead: Its community, Its personalities, Its Institutions" by Miriam Dansky, ISBN 0-944070-88-4 is a unique history of the Gateshead Jewish community and in particular its famous yeshiva.